Tsumeb Oddities: Pseudomorphs, Casts, Phantoms, and Oriented Deposits
- Location: Marlboro, NJ
Date: 7/22/2023 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: 67 McCampbell Rd, Holmdel, NJ 07730
Collecting Site(s): Ramanessin Brook Collecting trip. Monmouth County, NJ Cretaceous marine fossil and shark tooth collecting in Monmouth County with experienced collectors. Derek Yoost will be hosting as the resident pro.
Date: Sat. July 22, 2023 Meet-Up Time: 9:00 am
*** Trip starts 15 minutes MAX. from meet-up time ***
INITIAL Meeting Place for TRIP: Cheesequake / Bon Jovi Rest Area on the
NJ Pkwy, approx. mile marker 122. Park in lot past the Building down nearest the gas pumps, but still within the main lot. **Make yourself VISIBLE**
Nearest GPS address to actual site: 67 McCampbell Rd.
Holmdel, NJ 07730
Those of you that wish to meet at the site, may do so and park at the Elementary School parking lot; meet there at 9:30 am. Just please let Groundhog Dave know beforehand.
Trip Notes:
Derek Yoost will be hosting this trip in coordination with another Club that he is also hosting the trip for. Directions will be given out AT Cheesequake / Bon Jovi Rest Area, for the Site. Also, a mini fossil identification flyer will be distributed.
Wear: Old clothes and sneakers or water socks / water shoes
Useful Identification websites: http://njfossils.net and https://njfossils.com
Attendees will sign a Hold Harmless Agreement / Attendance Sheet
Fee: $0
Safety Information: Stay away from the banks (collecting there is illegal), and be sure to bring sun screen, bug spray, lunch/snacks, water
Tools: WATER, LUNCH / SNACKS, SUNSCREEN, Shovel, Sieve(s), hand trowel, Ziploc Bags, backpack, towel, BUG SPRAY, folding chair if you wish, light gloves if desired
Post Event Write-Up:
Clubs in attend: NoJMS, FM-NJ
Pro Guide / Host: Derek "Google" Yoost
Field Trip Leader: "Groundhog" Dave Shapiro
Attendees: "Groundhog" Dave, Derek "Google" Yoost, Ryan "Klock Man" Klockner with Jess, Callie and Lu; Julia Chien, Will "Billy boy" Pazik, Mike "Mr Maui" Machette, Ehmkay "MK" Delaleu, Art Finkelshteyn, Lauren Anderson, Suz, Jarrath and Nate Shaw; Dawn Hill, Lisa "20 questions" Bostedo, Kristina and Maria Roselle, Rich Drake, Joe Erard, Ralph Dames, Dan Blanco with Taylor Smith, Steve Woodruff, Paul Turchin with Lily, Steve Balint with Kristin C., Twyla and Ed Shaffer with Bo and Bryan, John Montgomery, Rich Blaha, and Angel Tseng.
The re - re - re-scheduling of the Ramanessin Creek trip proved to be a great move as the weather was excellent and we had a great outing. Everyone had finds varying from fish and shark teeth to mammal bones to marine fossils. We had roughly 30 people total in attend, making for a great outing.
I decided to list the "Notable finds of the day" as a series of "awards" for your reading pleasure:
- Smallest tooth award = Lily Turchin, had to be 2 - 3 mm length
- Most large teeth award = Ehmkay "MK" Delaleu with at least 10 / 1" or larger, teeth
- A little of everything award = Derek "Google" Yoost, for sheer variety of his finds, ranging from Crocodile teeth, to a Lobster, to vertebrae, various teeth and more
- "Holey Mosasaur tooth !" award = Groundhog Dave, for finding a PIECE of a coveted Mosasaur tooth
- Most philosophical award = Rich Drake, who would not admonish the use of "oh that's nothing...", rather stating "no, it's SOMETHING" even if concretion
- They'll sleep like babies award = the Shaffer boys, who spent much time in a small offshoot fo the creek hauling out very large rocks and tossing them back into the stream
- Stupidity of the Day award = Groundhog Dave, who decided to go into the Pkwy Express lanes since they were moving, unlike the Local lanes; however he NEEDED the Local exit
- Most fashionable concretion award = Ehmkay "MK" Delaleu with a large abstractly shaped concretion with a perfect circular hole near one end
- Hot Damn! Awesome Find! award - Lauren Anderson, Ryan "Klock Man" Klockner and Steve Balint, for finding large jaw sections of Salmon, all ID'd by Derek
- Most concretions award: Art Finkelshteyn who mentioned wanting to start a concretion collection