Tsumeb Oddities: Pseudomorphs, Casts, Phantoms, and Oriented Deposits
- Location: Marlboro, NJ
Date: 4/20/2024 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: 32 Evans St., Franklin, NJ 07416
Lang Shaft / Hamburg Mine /High St. (Phil Crabb property)
High St., Franklin, NJ. Private residence containing unique outcropping ofFranklin Marble and Dolomitic rock with CLOSEST-TO-SURFACE Zinc orebody contact, in Sussex County. Fluorescents incl. varieties of Willemite and Calcite, Sphalerite, Fluorapatite, Hydrozincite, even Hardystonite, and others. “Daylight” associated minerals incl. Franklinite, Quartz, Pyrite, Pyrrhotite, Rhodonite, Fluorite (massive), Epidote (massive), and others. New exciting finds as well, to be mentioned on trip.
Meet-up spot: Franklin Mineral Museum parking area (32 Evans St. Franklin, NJ 07416). Park on grass strip just to right of the end of the main Museum lot. Phil Crabb will meet us there at 3:45 pm and guide us to the parking on High St., which will be either on the property outskirt or street – side.
Trip Notes: Please carpool to High St. from FMM if possible.
See details in the attached flyer. As with all trips - SIGN UP WITH GROUNDHOG DAVE (email / text / message)
And as with all trips - you must be a current FM-NJ member in good standing Dues - wise.
Thanks folks, have a good one and see you soon!
Fee: $20/person
Tools: Shovel, Pick, Sledgehammer, Chisels, Bucket
Post Event Write-Up:
Trip Leaders: Dave "Lermanator" Lerman (NoJMS) and Rich Blaha (FM-NJ)
GRACIOUS HOST: "Franklin Phil" Phil Crabb
ATTENDEES: Dave "Lermanator" Lerman, Rich Blaha, Pete DeKleine w family, Linda Lovstad, Laura "Ghostbuster" Schmeltz, Kimmy Brancato, Kris and Maria Roselle, Arthur "The Man of A Forever Mystery" Finkelshteyn, Leah Wiesel, George Speidel, John "Kush" Kushmerick, Nik and Joanna Caporossi, Amanda and Bryan Van der Steer
Our Phil Crabb NoJMS Club Trip 04/20/2024 officially in the books !!!!!!!!!! The weather was picture perfect, the minerals were coming out of the ground like hot potatoes, and all of those attended were find AWESOME minerals specimens !!!!!!!!!!!! There were the usual specimens - #Willemite #Calcite #ChristmasTreeOre #Spalerite ... and then #Hardystonite plus others. And what was great, there were many first timers at the #PhilCrabb property; really really nice to see many new people taking part in one of our favorite club trips during the year !!!!!!!!!!! #RockOn #NoJMS #FlorescentMinerals
Club Member Notable Finds
David "Lermanator" Lerman - Old relic - nail used for constructing railroad tracks and screeming green willimite in vein like structure
Richard Blaha - nice calcite pieces
Peter / Dana / Charley Dekline - willemite and calcite pieces
Linda Lovstad - willemite and calcite pieces
Laura Schmeltz - willemite and calcite pieces
Kim Brancato - willemite and calcite pieces
Maria / Kris Roselle - willemite and calcite pieces
George Speidel - willemite and calcite pieces
Arthur "The Man of A Forever Mystery" F - good lapidary material and several good willimite pieces
Leah Wiesel - A LOT of EVERYTHING including lots of good lapidary material - Arthur's car had lots of rock to carry lol ** over 200 lbs **
John Kushmerick - some rare find - hardystonite and possibly others
Nik / Joanna Caporossi - willemite and calcite pieces
Amanda Van der Steer - hydrozincite as well as several good willimite and calcite pieces