Tsumeb Oddities: Pseudomorphs, Casts, Phantoms, and Oriented Deposits
- Location: Marlboro, NJ
Date: 10/21/2023 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: 3499 Quarry Rd, Middleburg, PA 17842
Times: 10 am - 1 pm Middleburg; 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Mt Pleasant Mills (exacts will be in the Trip Flyer)
Location: National Limestone Quarries (both) - Middleburg and Mt Pleasant Mills, PA (more details will be in Flyer)
Meet-up location : Middleburg Quarry Office 9:30 am
Ages allowed: 8 y.o. and up; kids must ALWAYS be in close contact with and supervised by parents
TRIP TO BE FOLLOWED BY A STELLAR COOKOUT BBQ / DESSERT AND GARAGE COLLECTING in nearby Mifflinburg, PA courtesy of NoJMS' own "Host Extraordinaire" Jim Van Fleet !! I cannot even count the number of stellar cookout BBQs that Jim VF has thrown for us over the years; it is an AWESOME way to cap off the collecting day !! Only 20 min from the 2nd quarry we visit (Mt Pleasant Mills). Enjoy great BBQ, salads / fizins, homemade Chili n Beans and great dessert items !! Please specify if you request Vegetarian options, they are provided on request. And then tour the Collection Barn and do some free collecting !! Lots of fluorescent and daylight goodies, Jim highly encourages this and it helps move some Inventory for Jim.
Jim invites ALL NoJMS and FM-NJ members to visit !! More details in Flyer
Max Number of Attendees: 50
Post Event Write-Up:
Clubs in attend: NoJMS, FM-NJ, DMS, FM-Pa
Field Trip Leaders: Art Finkelshteyn, Dave "Lermanator" Lerman, Hayley "Shakespeare" Nalepa, Mike "the Pie Man" Dunton, Christine "Scuba" Verdi and Ross Elliott (for DMS)
Attendees: NoJMS / FM--NJ: Art Finkelshteyn, Dave "Lermanator" Lerman, Hayley "Shakespeare" Nalepa, Mike "the Pie Man" Dunton, Ron "ChiselBuster" Schulz, Ryan "Klock Man" Klockner, Tommy Greene, Will "Billy boy" Pazik with John and James; Bryan Davis with 2; Paul "Mr Reveille" Radziewicz, Stephanie "Newbie" Apgar, Kyle "Cash only ??" Kustka, Bill and Kristine Fischer, Avery Federico, Kevin "Coop" Cooper with Tia Buttcher, Lauren Anderson - Pullinger, Morgan Brown, Tom Biegel, Gary Quam with Anders, Andy Silver, Howie Green, Jaciob Bierman and Eric Otvos; Steve Woodruff, Allen and Carol Gernon, Twyla and Ed Shaffer with Bo and Bry; Kerri Parani with son Johnny; Eliz and Luca Pendrini, Dianne Soccio with Steve Jones; DMS / FM-Pa: Christine "Scuba" Verdi, Ross Elliott, AL and Bonnie Rogers, Caridan Bradley, John Van Wagenen, Brittany Martin w son, and others.
This was another outstanding visit to NLQ and the ever popular "Host Extraordinaire" Jim Van Fleet residence for the JVF Cookout BBQ and Garage Collecting visit. To start off, the weather was MUCH better than ALL prior predictions, and once again weather predictors missed their marks. Owner Eric Stahl once again graciously afforded our clubs a visit and gave the traditional briefing and discussed the latest happenings at NLQ. AS is the norm, we got to visit both the Middleburg and the Mt. Pleasant Mills Quarries and got to explore all the areas therein.
One of the designated Trip Leaders, Dave "Lermanator" Lerman, made note of a number of significant finds of the day, amongst both quarries. Art Finkelshteyn and Paul "Mr Revielle" Radziewicz found notable Brachiopods and Wavellite specimens at Mt Pleasant Mills Quarry, Art also found some irridescent Calcite, and an entire Brachiopod fossil embedded in the Sandstone. Numerous folks including Gary Quam and Anders, Ron "ChiselBuster" Schulz, Avery Federico, Kyle Kustka, Hayley Shakespeare, and Kevin Cooper found notable nice druzy Calcite, in some cases with intense Iron staining and colrations. Stephanie "Newbie" Apgar found one such piece with "Calcite bridges" features, likely referring to a boxwork Calcite structure. Several folks including Dave "Lermanator" Lerman and Kerri Parani with Johnny, found purple Fluorite specimens and some Wavellite as well. "Lermanator" also logged in a cave Calcite specimen find. Kevin "Coop" Cooper found a possible Turquoise or Planerite - like find, likely an Aluminum or Copper associated mineralization. Tommy Greene found some interesting "Chicken Nugget Calcite" . Lauren Anderson-Pullinger found a nice Tabular Coral Specimen, which can be found at the NLQ quarries. Johnny Parani had a great find at the Jim Van Fleet residence, namely an "Epic Shovel".
Jim Van Fleet once again went above and beyond with his cookout, with plenty of all manner of grilled foods, baked foods, salads and fixins, and desserts. We definitely can't thank Jim Van FLeet enough for the hospitality there.
Also, Groundhog Dave DEFINITELY appreciates the combined Trip Leader - Leadership of Arthur, Hayley, Lermanator, Pie MAn, and Klock Man.