by Ryan Klockner on 4/13/2023
Presentation Questions
- Do you charge a fee to present?
- If so, how Much?
- Can we stream your presentation to an online audience?
- Can we record your presentation?
- If so, can we upload this to our online resources (including, but not limited to, our website, our YouTube channel, etc.)?
Technical Questions
- Do you need a laptop?
- If so, will you bring your own, or would you like us to supply one?
- Will you be using powerpoint, videos, or any other content that would be best viewed on a projector?
- If so, would you need us to supply a projector? If you are using your laptop, you would need to be able to support HDMI.
Our Ideal Format
We would like to make the presentation available via Zoom for our members that can not be present. In order to do this, we feel that the following setup would be for the best overall experience:
- The zoom session is run from the club's laptop.
- The presentation is run from the club's laptop.
*We understand that your presentation is your property and will destroy any/all copies that you send to us. However, if this does not work for you, and you want to use your own device:
“Runner Up” Format
- The zoom session is run from the club's laptop.
- The presentation is run from the presenter's laptop.
- The presenter would have to join the zoom call on their laptop and turn the volume down and mute their laptop.
- The presenter would have to bring their own projector, OR
- Use our projector (you would need to be able to connect to an HDMI port).